Late August 2018 (21st-31st)

Extremely unseasonal heat continued throughout the period, with triple digit heat indices becoming all too common. While no new rarities were observed during the late August period, we had a new occurrence for COMMON GALLINULE (ph. Reuben Rohn) at Back Bay NWR and continuing occurrences for the single MARBLED GODWIT at Back Bay NWR (many obs.) that has been present dating all the way back to 6 Aug (assuming it is the same individual), as wells as another report for what is likely the same AMERICAN AVOCET on the mudflats of Lynnhaven Bay on 23 Aug (obs. Andrew Baldelli) that was there to close out mid-August. Likely due to the heat and our lack of cold fronts here on the coast, first-of-season arrivals really didn’t get underway as expected. In fact, only four new species were logged, all within expected fall arrival dates, including: BALTIMORE ORIOLE at First Landing SP on 23 Aug (obs. Andrew Baldelli), BLUE-WINGED TEAL at Back Bay NWR on 24 Aug (obs. Robert Ake), the first flocks of BOBOLINKS at Back Bay NWR on 26 Aug (obs. David Clark and Andrew Baldelli), and also the first NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH that same day at the refuge (obs. Andrew Baldelli).

Marbled Godwit / Back Bay NWR

For those hoping to view every photograph submitted for Virginia Beach during this period, please see the complete listing for the month of August located on eBird’s Media explorer by clicking here! Please remember, anyone with an eBird account also has the ability to rate these photographs (1-5 stars), and based on the average rating, this is how eBird populates anything media-driven on the website, particularly the Illustrated Checklists! So, if you're one of the many folks who enjoy looking at photographs of birds, take some time to click them all and rate them, it helps make eBird better and better each day!

LOOKAHEAD: With regards to annually expected fall arrivals, as of the reporting period close date, we have not yet logged first arrivals for DUNLIN (30 Jul average expected arrival), YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER & WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER (5 Aug), PEREGRINE FALCON (15 Aug), BLUE-WINGED WARBLER, WORM-EATING WARBLER, CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER, BLACK-THROATED BLUE WARBLER & SORA (20 Aug), VEERY, MAGNOLIA WARBLER, BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER, WILSON’S WARBLER, GREEN-WINGED TEAL & WILSON’S SNIPE (25 Aug), BAY-BREASTED WARBLER, CAPE MAY WARBLER, BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER & GADWALL (30 Aug), NASHVILLE WARBLER & MERLIN (5 Sep) and ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK, NORTHERN SHOVELER, AMERICAN WIGEON, NORTHERN PINTAIL & SHARP-SHINNED HAWK (10 Sep). If you observe one of these species before the date listed, please try to document the sighting as best as you can! Please also remember that every species’ expected fall arrival date can be viewed in table format by Clicking Here!

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